About us

We are Nedgia, the leading gas distributor in Spain

We are the Naturgy group company that leads the way in natural gas distribution in Spain

What we do

Distribution company


Starting up individual gas installations belonging to consumers, connected to the distribution networks, at the request of their marketing company.

Meter reading

Meter readings – bimonthly for domestic consumers and small businesses, monthly for industries and big customers.

Periodic inspection

Regular inspection, every 5 years, of consumer installations connected to the network.

Alert services

Responding to safety emergency alerts relating to consumer installations connected to the network.

Other operations in facilities

Key figures

Nedgia in facts

59,420 km

of natural gas networks

5.5 M

supply points

174 GWh

renewable gas injection capacity




employees throughout the territory


young talent additions since 2022


procurement contracts awarded to local suppliers

44,490 hours

training in transformation and digitalisation


What distribution does and what marketing doesn’t do

What we do

  • Development, operation and maintenance of infrastructures: networks, consumer connections.
  • Periodic inspections of users’ installations.
  • Reading and measurement of consumption.
  • Emergency service
  • Starting up customers’ installations.
  • Install, activate the service, and perform periodic inspections on the Community Receiver Installation (CRI) in neighbourhood communities.

What we don’t do

  • Gas supply. The gas we deliver to your home or installation is owned by your marketing company
  • Billing for gas or other services even if the services are provided by the distributor. Bills will always be received from your marketing company
  • Commercial policy: prices, offers, etc. All these issues are decided by your supply company

Documentation relating to compliance with separation activities

Code of conduct for gas separating activities

Report on compliance with separation of activities


What does a distribution company do and what does a marketing company do?

What does a natural gas distribution company do?

LPG services

Installation, commissioning and periodic inspection of propane, Natural Gas and LPG customers.

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