
Hot water with natural gas offer

Customer offer.
We have an offer for requests received via Nedgia’s digital and telephone channels to install heating with natural gas


Financial contribution for customers whose home is in a multi-family property that already has a natural gas supply connection and who want to have their home connected.

Terms and conditions of the offer


Remember that you must first sign up for the Public Offer

How is it applied to the customer?

The customer must give you a copy of the following documentation, filled in and signed:
  • Financial terms and conditions of the offer.
  • Bank account holder certificate.
  • Copy of the quote provided to the customer with the discount applied.
  • You must upload these documents to the Private Area:
  • Transfer processing guide
  • >Transfer and subsidy processing guide

How does the customer receive the contribution?

The customer will receive Nedgia’s financial contribution by bank transfer approximately one month after the supply has been commissioned.

How long is the offer valid for?

Valid for applications received between 01/12/2024 and 28/02/2025.
The supply point must be commissioned and in service within 2 months of the request being formalised for the offer to apply.
Notice of possible extensions will be given in this area of the website