As instructed by your supply company
If there are incidents with bills or non-payments, they may have requested that we interrupt the supply. Contact your supply company, who will advise you on the steps to follow. Once the problem has been solved, we will call you and come to restore your supply, at which time you must be present.
For incidents in the periodic inspection process
Incidents in the periodic inspection process are common and can lead to an interruption of supply. Incidents can be of many different types: failure to pass the inspection, absence on the day of the inspection, problems in the community or individual receiver installation, or other causes that, provided they are rectified and properly documented, may enable the supply to be reactivated.

Due to network or installation incidents
When maintenance work is carried out on supply networks or property Community Receiver Installations (CRI), this may result in occasional and temporary supply interruptions. If you think this could be your case, please contact Nedgia S.A.'s emergency service on 900 750 750
For anomalies at the supply point
If you think this is your case or you don't know the general cause you can call 900 100 252 where we will give you instructions on how to solve it.