Types of notices

Learn about the notices we might leave at your home.

All the different types of Nedgia cards, letters and posters that you might find in your home.

Periodic inspection letter

Se resume de forma sencilla, en esta guía práctica, todas las comprobaciones que serán realizadas durante el proceso de inspección periódica de su instalación de gas.

Periodic inspection letter 2nd notification

Letter sent to consumers notifying the day and time slot during which the periodic inspection will be performed.

Periodic inspection notice poster

Poster provided by Nedgia showing the day and time slot during which the periodic inspection will be performed. This card is sent to everyone who has previously received the periodic inspection letter, taking into account that they are not always performed in all the homes in one property in the same year.

Periodic inspection absence card

A note filled in by the Nedgia professional if the consumer is not at home.

Anomaly correction form

Document filled in by the installer, the technician from the authorised company or the Technical Assistance officer to report that the anomalies detected during the inspection have been corrected. This document must be sent to Nedgia.

Periodic Inspection handbook

Se resume de forma sencilla, en esta guía práctica, todas las comprobaciones que serán realizadas durante el proceso de inspección periódica de su instalación de gas.


Cartel que muestra el día y franja horaria en el que se va a realizar la lectura del contador, en caso de que el consumidor no esté disponible se le facilita un espacio para hacer la lectura.

Incident notice

An informative notice indicating that we were not able to enter the building’s meter room to take readings, specifying the reason why and the action to be taken by residents.

Failed reading card

Card left at the consumer’s home if it has not been possible to read the meter because no one was at home or for other reasons. It contains instructions on how to take the reading in the absence of qualified personnel.

Home operations card

In the event that we go to perform an operation and the holder is not present, we will leave a card with a code to download the operation work report.