

Contact us

Contact form

If you have any queries about the services we offer, Nedgia has provided a customer service form where you can send any questions or suggestions

Readings form

Provide your meter reading online, from any location. You will only need your Tax or ID number, and then the data indicated on your meter.

Virtual assistant

If what you want is to solve your doubts more quickly, Nedi, our virtual assistant will resolve any doubts you may have about natural gas.

Telephone contact

Natural gas installation
900 699 011

Call us to request natural gas for your home’s hot water and/or heating.

Customer service
900 100 252

You can request information about Readings, Periodic Inspections or any other information related to the distribution network. For any questions concerning your bill, please contact your marketing company.

900 750 750

Customer service line for reporting emergencies in your gas installation. Also provides information relating to incidents, scheduled power cuts or special situations that affect supply.

Receiving readings
900 770 770

For all customers who wish to read their own meter free of charge. Remember that you can also read your gas meter here.

Propane customer service
900 708 709

For LPG (liquid petroleum gases) customers of Nedgia distributors.

Support for partner companies
900 500 405

Atención a empresas colaboradorasSi eres un instalador, una empresa colaboradora o un gremio y tienes alguna consulta ponte en contacto con nosotros.