
Webinar de Nedgia: “2020: O ano que cambiou o futuro”

Nedgia webinar: “2020: The year that changed the future”

On 15 July 2020, under the slogan of “2020: The year that changed the future”, Nedgia’s first online session was held with installation companies, where Nuria Rodriguez, CEO of Nedgia, and Manuel Gil, Commercial Network Director, explained the situation resulting from the new regulatory framework and announced the main points of Nedgia’s new Commercial Policy.

Aprobouse a obrigatoriedade de contabilización de consumos individuais en instalacións centralizadas

Mandatory individual consumption metering

On 6 August 2020, the BOE [Spanish State Gazette] published Royal Decree 736/2020, completing the transposition of Directive 2012/27/EU on Energy Efficiency, which makes individual consumption metering obligatory in buildings with community heating and refrigeration systems.