2020 Renewal Plan for vehicles- NGV

Plan Renove para vehículos 2020 - GNV

2020 Renewal Plan for vehicles.

There’s no excuse not to renew your fleet or buy a natural gas vehicle (NGV).  

From 20 October to 31 December 2020, or until funds run out (whichever comes first), companies and individuals can apply for government-approved Renewal Plan grant to buy a new car.

The grants to buy new vehicles range between 400 and 4,000 euros, up to a total of 250 million euros, which will be increased by the manufacturers.

+ Information


Still haven’t thought about a natural gas car?

Take a look at these advantages and benefits. You’re sure to change your mind!

Fuel savings

You can make significant financial savings compared to other types of fuels. Up to 50% savings compared to petrol or 25% compared to diesel. For example, with €4 you can travel up to 100 kilometres.

Tax incentives and benefits

Natural gas cars enjoy discounts on parking in regulated areas and on motorway tolls. They also enjoy reduced road tax payments.

Guaranteed driving

These vehicles have the ECO label from the DGT, which allows them to be driven through city centres with traffic restrictions.

More miles without having to fill up

Natural gas vehicles are bi-fuel as they have a double tank for petrol and natural gas, so they can continue to run if the natural gas runs out and allow you to travel further without having to fill up.


Natural gas engines produce less noise and vibrations than diesel engines. An important factor for those who drive many kilometres a day.


The use of NGV reduces harmful emissions (NO2 and volatile PM particles, among others) and greenhouse gas emissions (CO2). In addition this fuel does not produce sulphur dioxide (SO2).

And if this is not enough, the use of renewable natural gas exponentially increases the contribution to environmental protection.

Extends engine life

Thanks to the fact that NGV does not produce carbon residue, form sediments or dirty the walls of the cylinders, it considerably lengthens the useful life of the engine.

Useful information:

Natural gas car catalogue

List of refuelling stations


Don’t you know what NGV is?

Natural gas for vehicles, better known as NGV, is the same natural gas that is used for domestic or tertiary purposes but at special pressure and temperature conditions that allow it to be loaded into vehicles.

There are 2 types of NGV:

  • Compressed natural gas (CNG): for cars and light-duty vehicles;
  • Liquefied natural gas (LNG): for heavy-duty and long-haul means of transport as it provides ranges of more than 1,000 km.

In the case of CNG vehicles, the natural gas is be stored in compressed gas tanks, which are usually placed under the floor of the passenger compartment, under the rear seats or under the boot, so the difference is not noticeable compared to a car with a tank of liquid fuel. In the case of retrofitting, they can even be installed in the boot of the car.

These vehicles are refuelled in much the same way as other liquid fuels.
