Nedgia has adapted its business strategy to meet the needs of a new environment with changes characterised by digitalisation and simplification

Nedgia adapta a súa estratexia comercial ás necesidades dun novo ámbito marcado pola dixitalización e a simplificación

We presented our new business strategy at an online event that brought together over 500 partner companies and business associations.

Nedgia presented its new business strategy at an online event that brought together over 500 partner companies and business associations. It underlined that the identifying traits of its new business strategy are the simplification and digitalisation of its commercial processes, the optimisation of resources, and the speed and precision of its operations.

In Spain there is significant potential for growth in the residential sector and over two million clients already use Nedgia’s networks. For that reason, the company will continue re-energising marketing in the residential sector and intensifying its sales activity in the commercial and tertiary sectors, boiler rooms, new building schemes and cogeneration.

Moreover, in an environment that is characterised by the fight against climate change and emission reduction, where the natural gas sector is transforming to decarbonise the network, Nedgia will make a significant commitment to sustainable mobility by promoting gas refuelling stations, municipal fleets and last mile gas delivery, while driving forward the circular economy through biomethane or hydrogen projects in the medium term, which will inject renewable gases into its distribution network.

Digital transformation

Nedgia is advancing in its digital transformation process to become a multi-channel company that provides an excellent and effective service to all its clients and partners.

Elena Longarela, director of Business Strategy at Nedgia, explains that “this commitment to digitalisation and growth doesn’t make sense without the active role played by our partner companies. That’s why we will continue to work hand in hand, improving our fast and efficient management of processes to help ensure our partner companies continue to boost natural gas installations.” She added that “the offers we extend to our residential and commercial clients to install natural gas will help to saturate our networks with new supply points, which will become an important means of leverage so that these companies can easily and effectively offer a superior product, thereby promoting their own business.”

In this context, Canal Acerca plays a key role as a unique platform offering specialised services to our partners. This channel has operators that understand Nedgia’s processes and systems and it has been fully digitalised so that our partners can enter their private area, directly receive requests from clients and send a quote.

Partner companies will shortly be able to view all the content of the online event on the Nedgia website ( and they will be able to make any queries through Canal Acerca (900 500 405 –

From the client relationship perspective, Nedgia has strengthened its digital presence to offer more attractive and effective commercial services through a new e-commerce service that makes contracting a new supply point online easier and puts users in contact with a wide network of installers so that they can choose the option that best fits their needs.

About Nedgia

The Naturgy group subsidiary is the leading company in the natural gas distribution business in Spain, where it operates in 11 autonomous regions and 1,150 municipalities. It has over 5.4 million supply points, representing 70% of consumers. Its principal assets are the more than 54,000 km of networks that allow it to safely and efficiently supply natural gas today, and will also allow it to distribute renewable gas and hydrogen in the future. Innovation, proximity and customer service are part of its raison d’être, and characterise its activity.
