Press room

Nedgia lanza unha Oferta Pública dirixida a instaladores para incentivar as conexións de gas

Nedgia is launching a public tender process for installation companies to incentivise gas connections

Nedgia, the distribution company of the Naturgy Group, has launched its first public tender process in two years for installation professionals and companies in all the autonomous regions of Spain where it operates. The tender is aimed at stimulating the gas installation sector, and will potentially benefit more than 4,000 companies and strengthen the close ties that exist with the guilds and associations to which these installers belong.

Naturgy e a Xunta de Comunidades de Castela-A Mancha impulsarán a coordinación e a comunicación en situacións de emerxencia

Naturgy and the Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha will promote coordination and communication in emergency situations

Naturgy, through its electricity (UFD) and gas (Nedgia) distributors, and the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration of the Regional Government of Castile-La Mancha, have signed a collaboration agreement aimed at improving coordination and communication in emergency situations affecting the facilities or users of the networks of these two distributors in the territory of Castile-La Mancha.

Participamos nunha nova edición do Plan Renove Privado de Salas de Caldeiras da Comunidade de Madrid

We are participating in the new edition of the Private Replacement Plan for Boiler Rooms in the Community of Madrid

Our distributor Nedgia Madrid has renewed its participation in a new edition of the Private Replacement Plan for Boiler Rooms, in collaboration with the Energy Foundation of the Community of Madrid, the Association of Installation and Energy Sector Companies (Agremia), the Association of Heat Emitter Manufacturers and Generators (FEGECA), and the gas distribution companies Madrileña Red de Gas and Redexis Gas.

Marcamos un fito na transición enerxética de España coa primeira inxección de gas renovable procedente de vertedoiro na rede de distribución

We are marking a milestone in Spain’s energy transition with the first injection of renewable landfill gas into the distribution network.

We are the first company to inject renewable landfill gas into Spain’s gas distribution network. A milestone that reflects the company’s commitment to the energy transition and positions it at the forefront of innovation in developing this new energy vector, which will make a significant contribution towards decarbonising the country’s energy system.

Melloraremos a eficiencia enerxética mediante a utilización do gas natural nas vivendas promovidas por CONCOVI

We will improve energy efficiency by using natural gas in homes developed by CONCOVI

Our head of Mass Consumption Roberto Cámara and Juan Casares, Chairman of the Confederation of Housing and Refurbishment Cooperatives of Spain (CONCOVI), have signed a collaboration agreement to improve energy efficiency by installing hybrid natural gas and renewable energy solutions in new-build and refurbished homes developed by CONCOVI member cooperatives.