Regulations and protocols

Here you can find contracts and documents related to managing third-party access to the network.

Downloadable documentation on regulations

Managing third-party access to networks

PDF 92kB

Tolls, service charges and contract rentals

PDF 718kB

Access contracts

Type 1 access contract

Should be used when the procuring supply company already has a contract signed with the transport company regarding entry points.

PDF 181 kB

Type 2 access contract

Necessary when the supply company and the distributor do not have a contract regarding direct entry points for gas and the gas will enter through another supply company.

PDF 172 kB

Measurement and distribution


The attached document details the indexes applied for distributing domestic/commercial consumption included in aggregate billing for third-party access to the network, like the indexes for RMS (Regulation and Measuring Stations) emissions representative of the market, for calculating daily quotas when deciding on final distribution quantities.

It also shows the emissions indexes representative of the domestic/commercial market used for calculating the final distribution in order to assign daily consumption limits.

Distribution procedures

As a distributor, Nedgia provides the Gas System Technical Manager and the Transport Companies with the relevant distribution data for the gas carried through their infrastructure on day n+1.

In compliance with the system technical management rules, the distribution will be the quantity of gas transported, re-gasified, distributed and stored by the different members involved in the gas system.

Technical system manager

Regulatory provisions and applicable standards for the measuring, quality and odorisation of gas.

Related files

Daily distribution procedures

PDF 445 kB

Gas quality readings

Gas quality parameters by municipality

Follow the link below to see gas quality readings broken down by municipality, and daily, monthly or bimonthly frequency.

Below is a table with the information relating to the gas quality readings. The reading is a daily average. You can also consult the information relating to the monthly and bimonthly meter readings.

In compliance with the amended Detailed Protocol 01 concerning the Gas System Technical Management Rules, published in the Official State Gazette (BOE) on 3 October 2011, gas quality readings, broken down by municipality, are now available to users.