How to register

Documents to be presented when applying for a gas supply contract

Consult and download the documentation for connecting new gas supply points.
Building structure

Buliding structure document

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Right of way

Granting of rights of way for underground service connections Spanish

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Granting of rights of way for underground service connections Catalan

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Granting of rights of way for underground service connections Galician

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Granting of rights of way for underground service connections English

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Granting of rights of way for underground service connections Euskera

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SEPA and cancellation

SEPA and Withdrawal document Spanish

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SEPA and Withdrawal document Catalan

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SEPA and Withdrawal document Galician

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SEPA and Withdrawal document English

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SEPA and Withdrawal document Basque

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Gas supply interruption request authorisation

Authorisation request for interruption of gas supply Spanish

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Authorisation request for interruption of gas supply Catalan

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Authorisation request for interruption of gas supply Galician

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Authorisation request for interruption of gas supply English

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Authorisation request for interruption of gas supply Basque

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Cancellation of new supply point request

Cancellation of application for a new supply point Spanish

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Cancellation of application for a new supply point Catalan

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Cancellation of application for a new supply point Galician

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Cancellation of application for a new supply point English

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Cancellation of application for a new supply point Euskera

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Gas at LPG tariff

LPG tariff gas supply Spanish

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LPG tariff gas supply Catalan

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LPG tariff gas supply Galician

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LPG tariff gas supply English

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LPG tariff gas supply Basque

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Request for LPG supply contract

Application for an LPG supply contract Spanish

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Application for an LPG supply contract Catalan

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Application for an LPG supply contract Galician

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Application for an LPG supply contract English

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Application for a contract for the supply of LPG Euskera

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Terms of contract for gas at LPG tariff

Conditions to the tariff gas contract for LPG Spanish

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Conditions to the tariff gas contract for LPG Catalan

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Conditions to the tariff gas contract for LPG Galician

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Conditions to the tariff gas contract for LPG English

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Conditions to the tariff gas contract for LPG Basque

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