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Uses of natural gas in your home

Find out how natural gas improves your daily life

Natural gas central heating

More economical

Hot water supplied by natural gas is provided when you need it. You won’t need to wait to heat an electric boiler as with other systems, natural gas is always available.

Uniform heating

Whether you have a longer or shorter shower depends on you and not on the supply you have. With natural gas, all you have to do is turn on the shower and you will start to have hot water.

Continuous supply

You will always have a natural gas supply, without cuts and without having to wait to put your heating on.

Environmentally friendly and looks after the quality of the air you breathe


Hot water with natural gas

Continuous power supply

The hot water supplied/provided by natural gas is produced instantaneously, without the need to wait for all the water in a water heater/tank to heat up.

Uninterrupted hot water

Whether you have a longer or shorter shower depends on you and not on the supply you have. With natural gas, all you have to do is turn on the shower and you will start to have hot water.

Economics and savings

The cost of natural gas is much lower and allows you to use it only when you need it.

Environmentally friendly and looks after the quality of the air you breathe

The savings your home deserves

Cost of a shower by energy type

Comparison between types of energy in Euro cents per shower
Natural gas
Last resort plan (TUR) regulated tariff
Voluntary price for the small consumer (PVPC) regulated tariff
80 litres of water for 8 minutes at 40°C.
Calculation assumptions:

Calculations based on May 2024 prices. They include VAT and the corresponding special tax.
The best gas tariff and the best electricity tariff have been considered, according to the CNMC comparator, which in the case of natural gas corresponds to the LRT – regulated tariff published in the BOE – and in the case of electricity to the voluntary price for the small consumer – regulated tariff.
The use of an electric boiler has been considered for the cost of electricity.
Price of butane according to regulated tariffs published in the BOE.
Price of diesel according to the national average of a sample of market prices (source: Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge)
  • Annual consumption of 3,500 kWh/year.
  • Shower using 80 litres of water: 8 minutes of 10 litres/minute with a thermal jump of the water of 25 ºC, from 15 ºC to 40 ºC = 2.33 kWh.
  • All calculations include fixed energy charges, and meter rental for natural gas.
  • Contracted electrical power of 3.45 kW.

Natural gas cooker

Adjustable flame

Natural gas will allow you to regulate the cooking of food to the point you need and it can be regulated instantly.

Heat power

If you want power in your kitchen, natural gas is the best option. Its calorific value is superior to any other system.

Continuous supply

Natural gas is available in your kitchen from the moment you turn it on to the moment you turn it off, without cuts or interruptions.

Environmentally friendly and looks after the quality of the air you breathe


This is how easy it is to install natural gas