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SCTD communication systems

The SCTD Transport-Distribution Communication System, is a common, homogenised IT system for all natural gas distributors acting in Spain. It was developed by the Spanish Gas Association (SEDIGAS), and attempts to cover all communication needs between agents, as a consequence of the legal requirements deriving from the liberalisation process on this market.

Downloadable documentation

Communication interfaces

SCTD communication interface between Distributor and Supply Companies (BLOCK 1)

SCTD communication interfaces between Distributor and Supply companies (BLOCK 2)https://www.nedgia.es/comercializadores/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2018/11/csctdef402_v1.2_esp_reguladogas_es8.pdf

Processes that can be managed through the SCTD.

Change of supplier


Process for a consumer to switch from being supplied by a certain supply company in the liberalised market to being supplied by a different supply company.

Agents involved

  • New supply company (applicant)
  • Outgoing supply company
  • Network owner

Application Form

The new gas supply company requests the change of supplier from the installation owner via the SCTD, using the electronic form established for that purpose, as described in the user manual (A1), attaching a copy of the letter of agreement by the client for the change in supplier.

Validation of applications by the owner of the installations

The owner of the installation validates the application received within the legally established deadline. Applications with incorrect data or forms, or corresponding to supply points whose location does not allow any transfer, will be rejected.

Response to the request

After validation, the installation Owner should inform the gas supply company, within the legally established deadline, whether it accepts or rejects the application for change of supplier, indicating, when relevant, the reasons for rejection, which are defined in the SCTD tables.

The validation or rejection response, and any further correspondence between the gas distributor and supply company, shall be sent using the electronic forms specified in the user manual (A2).

Activation of the application

If the request is accepted, the owner of the installations communicates the last reading and termination of the TPA contract to the outgoing supply company, as well as activation of the new TPA contract after completing the changeover process to the requesting supply company. Both communications shall be done using the corresponding electronic messages defined in the user manual (A3).

TPA contract modification


Process through which the gas supply company requests the installation owner for amendments to the data affecting the third-party network access (TPA) contract, or that needs to be updated on the distributor’s database.

Agents involved

  • Supply company with current TPA contract (applicant)
  • Network owner

Application Form

The gas supply company applies for amendment to the Distributor data via the SCTD, using an electronic A1 form set up for that purpose and described in the user manual.

Validation of applications by the owner of the installations

The owner of the installation validates the application received within the legally established deadline. Applications with incorrect data or forms, or corresponding to supply points where infeasible amendments are requested, will be rejected.

Response to the request

After validation, the installation Owner should inform the gas supply company, within the legally established deadline, whether it accepts or rejects the application for change of supplier, indicating, when relevant, the reasons for rejection, which are defined in the SCTD tables.

The validation or rejection response, and any further correspondence between the gas distributor and supply company, shall be sent using the electronic forms specified in the user manual (A2).

TPA contract termination or cancellation


Process for cancelling the TPA contract relating to a supply point on behalf of a supply company.

Agents involved

  • Consumer
  • Supply company with current TPA contract (applicant)
  • Network owner

Application Form

The gas supply company should request termination or cancellation of the TPA contract from the installation owner, using the TPA Access Management unit, whether on its own initiative or that of the consumer, in strict compliance with the legally established procedures.

The gas supply company will send the application via the SCTD, using the appropriate electronic file defined in the user manual (A1), attaching a copy of the corresponding regulatory notifications. Furthermore, if the cancellation of the supply contract is initiated by the supply company, it should notify the consumer and the installation owner of the cancellation, by certified mail, or any other medium that reliably guarantees communication. This should take place with at least six working days' notice, pursuant to legislation.

Validation of applications by the owner of the installations

The owner of the installation validates the application received within the legally established deadline. Applications with incorrect data or forms, or corresponding to supply points where infeasible amendments are requested, will be rejected, with the reason for the rejection being specified.

Response to the request

After validation, the Owner of the installations must respond within the legally established deadline to the requesting supply company whether it accepts or rejects the request for termination of the TPA contract, indicating, if applicable, the reasons for the rejection.
The validation or rejection response shall be sent using the electronic forms specified in the user manual (A2).

Activation of the application

If the application for cancellation is accepted, the network owner will contact the applicant supply company with the last reading and the termination date for the TPA contract, through the SCTD, using the established electronic forms (A3), and shall proceed to suspend supply to the consumer, as appropriate.

Cancellation of applications


Process for a gas supply company to annul an application sent previously, for change of supplier or termination of TPA contract, as long as the process has not already been completed.

Agents involved

  • Supply company with current TPA contract (applicant)
  • Network owner

Application Form

The supply company should request annulment of a change of supplier or TPA termination process from the installation owner via the SCTD, using the A1 file designed for that purpose (see user manual).

Validation of applications by the owner of the installations

As in the previous cases, the network owner will verify the feasibility of the cancellation request received. If the original process being requested for annulment has already taken place, the application will be rejected.

Response to the request

After validation, the Owner of the installations must reply to the requesting supply company whether it accepts or rejects the cancellation request, indicating, if applicable, the reasons for the rejection.
The validation or rejection response shall be sent using the electronic forms specified in the user manual (A2).

Activation of the application

If the request is accepted, the owner of the installations communicates the last reading and termination of the TPA contract to the outgoing supply company, as well as activation of the new TPA contract after completing the changeover process to the requesting supply company. Both communications shall be done using the corresponding electronic messages defined in the user manual (A3).

SCTD (Transport and Distribution Communication System) registration request

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